10 top tips for VAs starting out
As a VA just starting out, we are sure that you have a million questions to ask. Where do I start? How do I start? Why am I doing this? Am I cut out for this? It’s so easy to become overwhelmed with questions, confusion and doubt. But it doesn’t have to be like that… it’s time to share the knowledge!
That’s why today, we are breaking it down for you and sharing the secrets of the VA trade. In this article, we will share with you the things we think everyone should know before commencing a VA business. Read on to find out Brand Sugar’s 10 Top Tips for VAs Just Starting Out and get ahead of the competition!
1. Set yourself up for success.
First thing’s first… be sure to get the right equipment and office set up, to give you and your business the best chance of success from the get-go. Choose a dedicated space to be your office – which for a lot of VAs just starting out, might be a home office or other shared room in your home – and that’s ok! You don’t need to pay out big bucks to rent an office space just yet. But, be sure that it’s somewhere which is free from distractions and or excessive noise.
For those who thrive on social interaction, you might consider a co-working space to let your creative juices flow! Check out sites like WeWork which allow you to browse options for spaces near you!
Once you’ve got the office, make sure it’s kitted out for optimal working; and NEVER underestimate the power of strong ergonomics when you’re due to be in front of a screen for 8 hours a day! Invest in a comfortable chair and a keyboard and mouse that will minimise the risk of strain injuries. Trust us on this one – you can thank us later!
2. Get the right systems in place.
So, you’ve got the home office and the right mindset, but be sure not to underestimate the importance of having the right systems in place to streamline your business’ operations. There are so many great software options, which have been designed specifically with the needs of freelancers in mind.
For example, check out Rounded, a simple and effective solution for your accounting needs and Toggl or Clockify so that you can effectively keep track of your time for each project or client.
3. Know your Ideal Client Avatar
If you haven’t yet had the chance, we highly recommend that you read our recent blog: Understanding Your Ideal Client Avatar!
This will tell you all that you need to know about this point – the why, the where and the how…
4. Claim your territory
No, we don’t mean like a dog marking it’s territory… !!
But what we do mean is you need to register your business name, domain and set up your email address early on in the process. This will avoid disappointment later down the track and any potential legal implications if the business name is already registered to someone else.
Not to mention, communicating via a professional business email address will take your business image to a whole new level.
We also recommend that you secure all handles for the key platforms where your Ideal Client Avatar hangs out – whether that be LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook or Pinterest (the list goes on).
5. Get yourself out there!
There will come a time where you need to market yourself like crazy. Our advice is that you must be prepared to regularly dedicate some time each day to marketing yourself, promoting your business, networking and providing value to potential customers. Over time, you will build strong relationships, secure positive leads, solidify your brand and create a positive reputation within your industry.
Hint: Don’t overlook your own network – great leads start close to home!
6. Have your documentation ready.
Piggy-backing off the last point… when you’re marketing yourself to potential clients, be sure to have all of your client facing documentation ready to go. This means that should an opportunity arise, you are ready to hit the ground running with a suite of professional looking document such as a proposal or portfolio of work – which will knock the socks off your potential clients and win you new business!
It’s all about looking professional, and avoiding the last minute scramble to scrape a new proposal together each time. Define your service offering and prepare templates based on each of your key service areas or niches!
7. Know your worth.
Don’t under value yourself. It’s important to do market research to understand the going rate for your services and have confidence in your own worth. Afterall, most VAs are able to successfully enter the freelancing world, because they are simply fantastic at what they do!
However, it’s easy to feel imposter syndrome when you’re just starting out, and it can be tempting to want to charge super low rates when you’re just starting out to secure that first client. But the problem is, this causes so many VAs to undervalue their services. Plus, clients don’t always see cheaper as ‘better’ or higher quality services. Have the courage to be patient – the ideal client will come along soon enough!
Running your own VA business is a very different ball game to regular employment. You’re now responsible for all of your own expenses, overheads, taxes, insurances and superannuation. With this in mind, we can’t recommend highly enough that you carry out a deeper analysis of your financial situation and use this to calculate a rate that will allow you to sustain your lifestyle and achieve your financial goals as a freelancer.
8. Protect yourself and your business.
As a professional business owner, you need to have the right business insurances in place to guarantee protection for yourself, your business and your clients. Talk to an insurance broker to receive expert advice relevant to your situation, but we recommend that you start with Professional Indemnity and Cyber insurances at a minimum,
9. Don’t wait until everything is perfect!
Trust us when we say that it never will be perfect, and running your own business means that you sign up for a never-ending cycle of continuous improvement. It’s a constantly evolving process and if you don’t start somewhere, you won’t start at all!
Have the courage to take a leap of faith and get the ball rolling. All that we ask is that you make a commitment to yourself to continue to work on your business and make improvements as you go!
10. Don’t compare yourself to others.
It can be so easy to get caught up in others’ success, and compare yourself to others. But, it’s so important to remember that you’re on your own journey and everyone measures success differently!
Individuals choose to pursue running their own business for a wide variety of reasons – from financial motivators, to spending more time with family or working around family, care or health commitments. Yet, not everyone will openly share their motivators with others – so you may never truly know someone’s ‘why’ for running their VA business. It’s important to remember that you simply can’t compare oranges with apples, so never compare yourself with others.
Instead, sit back, relax and enjoy the journey! Good luck!